All The Tools You Need To Be Successful At Public Speaking

67% of Business Professionals Will Never Reach Their Desired Level of Effective communication Without The Right help! 

Yes, you read correctly, 67% of those in business will never reach their full potential in the area of effective communication and public speaking. It’s not their fault, they just haven’t had the right mentorship, or they haven’t been taught.

This is where I come in, and it doesn’t have to be that way for you though. By being here and reading this page shows that you do want to improve yourself and start to build your skills to being a better public speaker.

Inside our course, we are able to show you how our clients have achieved success in building their skills to being more effective in their communication and public speaking.

Save time, weeks, months, or years of time being hesitant, by taking our course you are using our roadmap to achieving strong skills inside the area of Public Speaking. Why waste time struggling, and not taking time for self-developing yourself? You deserve to invest in you! You can save time and get a much better result taking a course.

When everything is centrally located for you and convenient to use. Also, since the course is self-pace, you get to work on your skills at the rate most comfortable to you!

Are You Ready to Start Your Journey to Be A Better Speaker?

Learn to master public speaking by gaining the skills you need to speak more confidently in front of groups of people. Public Speaking is one of the starting points in management being able to motivate your team.

Learn the skills to speak confidently, overcome your fear, and deliver your message leaving your audience with great takeaways!

Facts About Public Speaking


Fact #1

Fear of public speaking can prohibit promotions.

Fact #2

Those who are unable to speak well, and deliver a message are paid up to 10% less.

Fact #3

Your delivery matters more than your content.

About Your Instructor - Jennifer Fellin

Hey! I’m Jennifer! 😊 My goal is to help those without mentorship build bridges to career goals they wish to achieve. In 2020, I launched Jennifer Fellin & Company and it has been an amazing experience being able to help those wanting to grow in their careers. I started my company to focus on what I enjoy the most, and that is helping others. There are not many mentorship websites out there, and I want to be able to contribute more to helping the 73% of people who don’t receive the mentorship they need to grow.

I have created several different programs on a variety of subjects to help teach and train others. One of my passions is training and development. I am super passionate about helping others be successful.

I will be working with you through the course to help you in the area of public speaking. There is a good amount of content in the course. We will go over several strategies to hone in on your skills and build upon them.

I Use To Be Afraid of Public Speaking...

Like so many people, I would have rather of crawled under a rock than got up on a stage and speak in front of a group of people. Like you, it was one of the scariest things that I have ever done.

Over time, it hasn’t been the easiest journey. But I have fallen a few times along the way, but I started to figure some of ways to speak better in public.

Today, I have been speaking over 15 years, and have used different tools to better allow me to speak in public. Being able to motivate a team and get them to excel at a challenge is something that I thrive on.

All of the strategies my team and I have put together to allow for my clients to be able master public speaking.

As part of my company’s mission, public speaking is one of the best areas to provide mentorship. It’s also one of the top areas that most of my client’s struggle with. This is a area inside coaching that I spend a considerable amount of time, and you are not alone.

Starting with the right skills and building upon them allows you better success for your future career goals. The best part is I am here to help!

Career Volt Academy – Impactful Public Speaking Course

The Career Volt Academy is a resource that my company has created to bring you mentorship programs that are going to help you grow. Impactful Public Speaking is one of my most popular courses, and its one of my most requested areas that are worked on with clients. Public Speaking is a skill that anyone is able to learn! Learn to deliver a outstanding speech or presentation. Let’s look at what’s included:


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  • $5,500 Value!
  • Comprehensive Public Speaking Course & Roadmap
  • 4 Bonus Modules Included
  • Life Time Access
  • Future Upgrades Included!



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  • $5,500 Value!
  • Comprehensive Public Speaking Course & Roadmap
  • 4 Bonus Modules Included
  • Life Time Access
  • Future Upgrades Included!